
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Signs of Spring...

Snow is slowly melting and the ground is visible in many areas. My wife pointed out to me that some bulbs in the front yard have sprouted and are coming up. Does this mean we are finally in the last days of winter? I hope so! The chickens are enjoying having their entire fenced in area to play around in instead of holed up under the coop where the snow hadn't piled up. We are thinking about getting 4 new chicks to build up our flock, now that the coldest days of winter are over. I looked into McMurray Hatchery to see what kinds of hens I might be able to get since they have a great selection. However, you need to get a minimum of 25 chicks to have them shipped to you. Maybe someday, but my coop wouldn't be able to handle that many!

Oh - Dixie has officially started laying eggs. They are much smaller compared to Killer's. Awhile ago I thought Dixie might have started to lay eggs, but I know for sure that was Ginger, as these eggs are way smaller. So it's official, Dixie and Cluckers are a bantam hen and rooster. They are full size and still small.

Looking forward to Spring and being outdoors more and working on a new garden and more! What a LONG winter this has been!

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