Fall, of course, is also apple season. Growing along the side of the trail we were walking on was a crab-apple tree. We thought, at first, that it was a cherry tree since the small, tart apples were so bright red.
In fact, it may be a crab-cherry tree, if there is a such a thing. The fruit is growing in bunches in some places, and then single fruit in others. Who knows! The seeds inside look like apple seeds though.
I also cut down all our corn stalks from the garden yesterday. The corn that grew was pretty pitiful. Small, short and stubby. This has taught us to plant less corn, and spread the plants out. We had too many plants growing in too small a spot. It was neat to have our own little cornfield though.
1 comment:
It sure looks like a crab apple to me. Why not make some apple jelly! Crab apples are very high in soluble fiber. You need this for lowering of the bad and raising of the good cholesterol. Soluble fiber is also the favorite food of the good bacteria in your gut so it's a pre-biotic.
Put the whole, washed fruit in a crock pot with 1/4 cup of water and let it cook down for a day or two. Mash the fruit in a blender 1 day into the cooking.
Put the fruit through a seive or cheese cloth to get out the solids. Boil the rest down with a bit of pectin and honey or sugar. If you want to maintain the honey's probiotic nature, wait for the apples to cool before adding it.
Let me know how it turns out.
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