It has been a long haul, but our sunflowers have finally begun to bloom. Remember in one of my earlier posts,
Garden Varmints, when we found out a squirrel had eaten our garden? The sunflowers were what the squirrel noshed on the most, and it had eaten the tops off of almost all of them. Someone told us that we might as well pull them up as they wouldn't come back. Thank goodness I remembered my classes in plant biology and if you cut off the top of a plant, it will try and grow a new
apex, or terminal bud. (That's just fancy speak for the top of the plant.) If you look closely at this picture, you can see there are two smaller sunflower plants below that have smaller blooms, and they haven't opened yet. Those are just two of the plants that used to be headless, thanks to a hungry squirrel. If I was a little more childish, I would be sticking out my tongue, putting my thumbs to my ears, palms out, fingers extended and wiggling, and blowing a big ol' raspberry. Thank goodness I'm more mature than that. Right now, I'm just saying, "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!" Score one for garden - zero for squirrel.
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