
Thursday, August 16, 2007


I love these chickens! I thought it would be fun to have these chickens, but I never realized how much simple pleasure you could get by watching a few birds scratch at the earth, eat grasshoppers and in general just peck and walk around. Yesterday, I went out around 8 o'clock to get ready to close the chicks in for the night. I just stood by the fence and watched them. Dixie, the Brahma or Cochin (I am leaning more towards Cochin as someone stated she might be in one of the comments on another post), flew up and grabbed onto the metal fence, and then flew right onto my arm and just walked onto my hand from there, cooing, and clucking happily. She let me just scratch her head and scratch behind her wings while she stretched her scrawny little chicken neck, as if to strut and tell her friends below, "Look at me! I get the deluxe treatment!" Then when I tried to put her back down she just tried to climb back up my arm. Finally I got her to fly down and join the rest of her buddies. Yes, it's true - chickens do have personalities and are great fun to have around.

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