
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here's a Happy Valentine's Day to all those looking for some loving. :) Hope it's a good day for you!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Rain Rain Go AWAY!!!

Rain sucks in the winter time, ya know? All it does is coat roads and driveways, and turns to ice. Then, you go out and try to shovel it, and end up breaking your shovel. If there's any snow left over, it turns to solid ice as well. Why else does it suck? Because my chicken coop has become less and less rain proof this winter. I need to go back to the drawing board for the roof. It leaks like a sieve. Well, I guess it leaks like a hose, since the leak is pretty much only in one place, but it causes the poor chickens to have damp hay that needs to be constantly changed.

There will definitely be some re-modeling this spring!

Monday, February 4, 2008


Patriots lost. NY Giants won. What happened?????? 17-14. We were outplayed... no perfect season for us. But 18-1 has to count for something!
